Ok so prolly not very many of you know that we live in the coolest house in the world. It looks like a mexican house. It even has its own myspace.
I live there with my sister Betty, my husband Tim + my best friend Lucy. We're all going on the Brisbane Zombie Walk tomorrow, and the last few weeks have been spent making our outfits + working on our gore make-up. We spent a while trying to decide what kind of zombies we were goign to be, what we did all agree on was that we were the kind that became zombies after we died (("When there's no more roomin hell, the dead will walk the earth" kinda thing)) not the kind that become Zombies because of some sort of virus.
I made mine + Betty's dresses, and Lucy made her outfit. Betty is going as a car crash victim, and right now her dress just looks like Carnage! ha. We made blood + flesh from corn flour, boilign water + red + black food colouring and drizzled it over all our clothes, gradually adding more black so we came up with three different layers of blood. Tomorrow we're going to make fake blood from corn syrup + food colouring for some fresh stuff. With Betty's dress I painted part of a tyre black + rolled it over her dress over the 'blood'. it looks like a car screeched to a halt right ontop of her chest!
Lucy is a mental assylum patient and made a cute little white dress with black netting + a matching cropped straitjacket. The white shows up the blood so well!
I'm still not sure what kind of zombie I am. I was originally going to be a housewife with a big iron burn on my face, which is why i set fire to my dress + pretty much almost destroyed it ((and our beloved Mexican House))! That was epic.
Lucy + I made all three dresses from scratch using bits + pieces of different patterns to piece everythign together to come up with what we liked. She drafted her straitjacket herself + I drafted the top of my dress too.
I'm a battered hosuewife, that part we've got downpat as Tim is the Wife Beater. We just poured blood all over a pair of his jeans + a white singlet we bought. I did a bloody handprint on his shirt too. He's going to be carrying a bloody baseball bat
I've only got pics of my dress before we just compltely destroyed it.
Max's Dress - Pre-Arson - please note, I PRUPOSELY chose this hideous fabric. I would NEVER wear a dress made out of this fabric ((If it wasn't covered in blood!))
I would never wear this bra with it! HA
Here's some shots I got of our clothes drying... It looks like a mass of fabric + red btu I swear it looks really good!
Tim's Shirt + jeans.
Betty's dress. I still need to put a zip into it but I have to wait until she gets home tomorrow morning to do that. Eek!
Fabric on betty's dress. It's also ugly like mine. Hers has lemons, mine is floral.
Lucy's dress.
Buckle detail on Lucy's dress.
My dress after it went up in flames + then got doused in faux chunky blood.
Burn detail. This is the entire front of the skirt.
Betty + I are both wearing petticoats underneath. We're keeping them pristine white ((if we can)) so we can wear them with circle skirts etc to rockabilly gigs.
I know the blood we have on
it now looks a little funky, but it's just the beginning! We're going to saturate these tomorrow.
I'll upload the pics of the rest of our outfits when we put them on tomorrow
((On my myspace I have a blog with pipcs of our practice zombie makeup if you're wondering! They are about 2 weeks old, we're much better at it now!))
As you can see, we take being a Zombie very responsibly. Comments Muchly Loved!
Lucy + Tim made the blood while I did everyone's gore makeup. They used three jars of Glucose Syrup, boiling water, some corn starch + a few bottles of red food colouring. Then they boiled it on the stove and let it cool before we sloshed it all over ourselves.
We had a fair bit left over + we were goign to do our backs in blood after we drove there. So Tim filled a RED CORDIAL bottle with the left over blood.
I painted a tyre black + rolled it over my sister Betty. This is her waiting for it to dry.
This is Tim in his gorey glory in the bathroom
All of us in the backyard. Frank, Betty, Me, Tim + Lucy. Lucy did Frank's outfit at the last moment ((an awesome recon)). I reckon we kinda look like a band.
Me before I put my petticoat on ((I just realised I should take pics of those too. We did aim to keep them white but that lasted about five minutes))! I just got sloshed in blood.
Lucy + Tim at the train station ((note the red cordial!))
<b>Blood Sisters</b>
Me + Betty just before it started
I love this shot! This is one I found on facebook of me + Frank. We look like celebrities just out for a stroll
One of Tim from the back i found on Flickr.
Our friend Leona, Betty, Me + Lucy ((Found on Flickr))
The shaved side on my head came in handy to plant a big nasty head wound on!
I had to include this one.
z0mbie_queen favorited Zombie Walk Outfits 29 May 16:32
You Will Need
Max California posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
It's cool you used the corn syrup blood idea, I use that alot with prosthetics and it comes out so realistic, but I add green food colouring to mine to add a bit of bloody darkness.
Great work on the outfits
I should organize one because they were gnarly.
I should organize one because they were gnarly.
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