Why the heck doesn't London do these sort of things?...or not to my knowledge anyway lol.
It's cool you used the corn syrup blood idea, I use that alot with prosthetics and it comes out so realistic, but I add green food colouring to mine to add a bit of bloody darkness.
Great work on the outfits
what happened to your costumes after the walk do you still have them? I'm doing a bloody bride costume and i'm unsure of what blood to use, fabric paint costs a fortune but i'm unsure of how dried corn syrup/blood stores??
Love it! You looked awesome! I was a zombie and I used just cheap corn syrup+food coloring blood but it was soooo sticky! Was yours really sticky? Just wondering for future blood-making haha
Very nice - I'm going to borrow some of your ideas to improve upon my own zombie costume. It's been evolving for the last 4 years and I think your ideas will give it the OOmph! it needs. Thanks!
Did any of the colouring come off?
i'm going to my friends halloween party and don't want to mark her sofas if i come as one of these, haha!
It's cool you used the corn syrup blood idea, I use that alot with prosthetics and it comes out so realistic, but I add green food colouring to mine to add a bit of bloody darkness.
Great work on the outfits
I should organize one because they were gnarly.
I should organize one because they were gnarly.
CO + K User
All these great costume ideas are oozing out of my head now O.O
You guys look fantastic tho
CO + K User
Did any of the colouring come off?
i'm going to my friends halloween party and don't want to mark her sofas if i come as one of these, haha!