Most everyone loves Zebras....Everyone loves babies. Zebra Fawns are so sweet the world gets diabetes!
This project is hard because the deer are TINY! They don't come looking like a Zebra- you have to paint them! This takes tiny brushes and REALLY good glasses! :) Lots of patience because sometimes the paint runs and you have to let the paint dry between coats. At the end, coat the fawn with glossy clear spray acrylic. :) Add the beads as you like along the chain and Vwa-la! You're done!
- alexa g. favorited Zebra Fawn Necklace 28 May 06:12
Ashleigh Davidson posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
The Petite Shop
Las Vegas, Nevada, US
16 projects
very vute