a yummy , effortless pie that will leave u wanting more!
Pie for 1
Anael MarsW favorited Yummy & Simple Pi! 23 Oct 09:09
Anael MarsW commented on Yummy & Simple Pi! 23 Oct 09:08
cristinakilljoyway favorited Yummy & Simple Pi! 27 Jan 00:50
Kc F. favorited Yummy & Simple Pi! 10 Sep 00:43
Ginger Ginger. entered their project Yummy & Simple Pi! to Hungry Scientist 29 Aug 05:19
Ginger Ginger. entered their project Yummy & Simple Pi! to Mix Tape Zine 01 Aug 10:07
Step 1
First you will need to gather your ingredients and preheat the oven to about 180 degrees celcius.
Step 2
Next you will ned to get your ramekin or tea cup and cover the inide with a bit of oil.
Step 3
Then you need to get your puff pastry and line the base and sides of your ramekin or tea cup.
Step 4
Then simply line it again with ham and whisk up your eggs with some milk and pour in!
Step 5
Now all you need to do is cover the top with puff pastry and pu it in the oven for 20 or 30 minutes , you will know it is ready when you can insert a skewer of fork and it comes out clean ( no egg or ham on it)
Step 6
i wanted to add some maths into the equasion- get it ( equasion.....no)
CO + K User
Could you share how much milk you used though?
I'm one of those people that needs exact amounts whilst cooking. >__>
CO + K User