wire wrapped cabochon ring
Very easy project but very modern and mature design. You can use anything about the size of a quarter or a bit larger as the cabochon. Enjoy
Key West Witch added Wire Wrapped Ring With Cabochon to Rings 30 Jun 06:53
Sandy B. added Wire Wrapped Ring With Cabochon to jewelry Creations 26 Nov 14:09
Katharine C. favorited Wire Wrapped Ring With Cabochon 30 Oct 22:56
MARISOL A. favorited Wire Wrapped Ring With Cabochon 18 May 13:20
GiftedDiva24 favorited Wire Wrapped Ring With Cabochon 04 Feb 16:48
Rebecca B. published her project Wire Wrapped Ring With Cabochon 03 Feb 11:33
Step 1
Cut three yards of wire and divide in one yard lengths. Find the center and wrap around ring mandrel three times. Start two sizes too big than the size you need. Center cabochon and fold right side wires over left side. And left over right side. Remove from mandrel and thread both sides through the ring shank.
Step 2
Make a bend against ring shank to guide wire back over cabochon again. Occasionally check ring shank as it may try to migrate diagonally. Just guide it back into place thru out making the ring if it is an issue. After wrapping both sides of wires around the cabochon again it should look like this front and back.
Step 3
It's easiest to start this stage on the ring mandrel. Begin wrapping left and right side wires around ring shank underneath cabochon. You can grip the ring with your mandrel hand thumb and puling the left and right side wires around and around the bottom of cabochon as you go with wire hand. You can finish off mandrel if you like. Wrap twice around beneath the cabochon. The bottom of cabochon should look like this. Bend left and right side wires to thread through ring shank. Wrap wire against the ring shank. Press the wire against the ring shank with some what strong pressure. Here you can see I wrapped half the length of the wire and now I am wrapping back up again. Leave an inch unwrapped.
Step 4
If ends are uneven clip with cutters. Be careful you don't hurt yourself with flying end pieces! :^) Grip ends with needle or fine nose pliers and bend back towards ring, tuck into ring underneath cabochon at ring shank. Use fine or needle nose pliers to grab any ends visible and pull to lengthen them so you can trim the ends. Use flush cutters to trim all visible ends. YOU ARE DONE! This is what your ring should look like. Prior to wearing put back on the ring mandrel to stretch it a bit.