White Chocolate & Raspberry Whirl
Extract from Rachel Khoo's Sweet and Savoury Pates • By Rachel KhooAbout
Rachel Khoo's Sweet and Savoury Pates
The combination of raspberries and white chocolate is a feast for the eyes as well as the taste buds. The slight acidity of the raspberries is a perfect match for the creamy texture of the white chocolate.
makes 400g/14oz ● preparation time: 10 minutes ● cooking time: 20 minutes
SugarNSpiceLily favorited White Chocolate & Raspberry Whirl 28 Jul 21:12
Tahleena S. added White Chocolate & Raspberry Whirl to food to try 10 Nov 08:20
happyliltoaster favorited White Chocolate & Raspberry Whirl 17 Jun 01:53
Mariah K. favorited White Chocolate & Raspberry Whirl 26 Sep 02:46
HylianWriter534 favorited White Chocolate & Raspberry Whirl 17 Sep 21:40
Leigh C. favorited White Chocolate & Raspberry Whirl 17 Sep 17:52
Ievars favorited White Chocolate & Raspberry Whirl 15 Sep 17:38
stephanie favorited White Chocolate & Raspberry Whirl 15 Sep 07:09
Louise Quatorze favorited White Chocolate & Raspberry Whirl 14 Sep 21:52
Phoenix M. favorited White Chocolate & Raspberry Whirl 14 Sep 14:29
You Will Need
Step 1
To make the white chocolate cream, melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl placed over a saucepan of gently simmering water. Stir occasionally, then add the cream and salt. If any lumps remain, keep the heatproof bowl, or inner container of the bain-marie, over the simmering water and stir until smooth.
Step 2
Leave the paste to cool for 15 minutes in the refrigerator. It should be cold but not yet set. Mix the raspberries and preserving sugar in a large saucepan and cover with a lid when the mixture comes to the boil. Boil for 5 minutes before turning off the heat.
Step 3
Leave to cool for 15 minutes in the refrigerator. The jam should be cold, but not yet set. Blend in a food processor for 2 minutes to remove some of the pips. Pour a little chocolate paste into a sterilised jar, followed by a little raspberry jam. Continue to fill the jar with alternate white chocolate and raspberry layers. Stir with a chopstick or a spoon handle to create a marbled effect.
This spread will keep for about 2 weeks in the refrigerator.