Slightly cheating!
After seeing my t-shirt quilt, my little sister brought round a bag of her old t-shirts and told me she wanted one for her Christmas present. She didn't really have enough t-shirts, so I had to cheat a bit and deviate from the traditional quilt technique. But actually it's turned out nicer than mine, so I'm considering an edit...
Marjorie D. added Very Simple T Shirt Quilt to Sewing 12 May 02:20
You Will Need
Step 1
First grab your t-shirts and cut to size. This version took 24, 12"x12" panels from 12 t-shirts. I used the big design on the front, then also cut a plain design from the back. Some of these I left blank, but others I appliquéd on pictures I'd rescued from old knickers! You can do as you like, as long as you end up with the right number :)
Step 2
Sew into four columns of six t-shirt panels. They should be one above the other NOT side by side.
Take care with colours - try to get a pattern going, or at least make sure to evenly distribute colours. Whatever you think looks nice really. -
Step 3
Sew each column together side by side. This should create a big sheet of panels, six rows (up/down) by four columns(left/right). It measures approx 72"x48", or actually a bit less because of the seam allowance.
Step 4
Hew around the edge of your big sheet to make it nice and neat.
Step 5
Finally, sew your sheet onto your fleece blanket, taking care to centre it and pin it carefully first.
![Sarah S.](https://images.coplusk.net/users/107662/avatar/normal_square_157835_500753557_4150623_n.jpg)
![Pixel junkie](https://images.coplusk.net/users/68649/avatar/normal_square_575595_3886417721874_1321854113_3616070_562035145_n.jpg)