How to treasure all those t-shirts you don't know what to do with but can't throw them away.
I saw a couple different ways to make a t-shirt throw. I modified it for what I wanted. The total measurement is 60 X 72. I little bigger then a regular throw but I like big throws.
Holly S. favorited T Shirt Throw 24 Jan 00:03
Debbie E. added T Shirt Throw to Blankets, Quilts & Throws 23 Dec 12:11
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Megan O. favorited T Shirt Throw 19 Nov 05:22
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You Will Need
Step 1
Start by deciding how big of a throw you would like. I wanted just a little smaller then 60 x 72. So I used 15 t-shirts. Cut a pattern block of 12 x 12. Using a rotary cutter and safety board put your pattern piece to your t-shirt. Cut out throw both the front and back to have two squares per t-shirt.
Step 6
Sew all your rows together.
Step 7
Pin the t-shirts to your fleece right sides together. Use your rotary cutter and mat to even up the fleece with the t-shirts.
Step 8
Start sewing together. Leave block open so the throw can be flipped in side out. Once done sewing trim the corners. Flip the inside out and pushing the corners out.
Step 9
Lay the throw on a flat surface. Get a large needle with yarn and tie the corners where the t-shirts meet. Tie throw the t-shirt and fleece material.
Step 10
Once all the corners are tied pin the opening closed by folding the fleece and t-shirt material in and together.
You can hand sew the once together. I choose to sew around the edge of the hole thing so the one block with be hid and makes a nice finish.
Even up all the yarn corners so they match.
Enjoy your cute fleece throw
@iWunder, I love the fleece you chose, so cute! But you quit taking photos halfway through and I have no idea what you keep referring to with "tying the corners." =/