What to do? What to do? ... with that huge pile of clothes that aren't nice enough to give away?
What to do? What to do? ... with that huge pile of clothes that aren't nice enough to give away, but you still don't want to throw out? You know - the ones with holes, tears, mysterious stains in only one spot? Or possibly those teeny tiny baby clothes from when your little one was 3 months old and wasn't eating and making huge messes yet?
Make them into the pretty/handsome bib pictured above of course!
J. Pario favorited Upcycled Patchwork Baby Bibs 28 Jan 19:08
Jenny Makes Stuff! added Upcycled Patchwork Baby Bibs to Baby 23 Aug 17:28
Step 1
- cut out "squares" (or "rectangles" or whatever shape you like) from your upcycle material. The bibs pictured above came from a few pairs of baby jammies and a couple of onesies.
- assemble the basic rectangle of your bib. The bib measures about the size of a regular piece of paper (8.5 by 11 inches). -
Step 3
- download (from attachments above) and cut out bib pattern
- lay out your backing fabric (right side down) on the table. Then place your quilt batting on top of that and then your patchwork piece (right side up) on top of that. The fabric sandwich will be placed in the same way the bib will be structured. So backing fabric with the pattern to the outside, then quilt batting in the middle and then main patchwork piece on top.
- pin the pattern piece on top of all three of the pieces.