Upcycle embroidered napkins into a pretty pin
Becky favorited Upcycled Embroidery Brooch 17 May 06:05
Chudames favorited Upcycled Embroidery Brooch 16 Nov 21:21
tyler t. favorited Upcycled Embroidery Brooch 14 Oct 12:56
Katrina P. favorited Upcycled Embroidery Brooch 01 Mar 05:39
kokosza favorited Upcycled Embroidery Brooch 14 Jul 19:38
Alex B. favorited Upcycled Embroidery Brooch 25 Dec 22:14
mykki favorited Upcycled Embroidery Brooch 25 Nov 01:19
Winsome E. favorited Upcycled Embroidery Brooch 23 Nov 20:39
Kinhime Dragon added Upcycled Embroidery Brooch to things to make 11 Nov 18:41
Alissa B. favorited Upcycled Embroidery Brooch 22 Oct 00:31
You Will Need
Step 2
1. Cut out embroidery piece. Place on another piece of solid fabric from your tea towel. Pin together and cut out in the shape you choose. Make sure to leave extra room for stitching. You can always trim back the edges after.
2. Using a back stitch, sew all around the image leaving about a one inch opening.
3. Lightly stuff with pollyfill and continue to stitch all the way around the embroidered piece. Knot and sew in loose threads. Trim edges if necessary. If you're concerned your fabric will fray, add the tiniest amount of glue to the edges.
4. Sew on your pin back. Test out the pin back to make sure it works well. Usually these kind of pins come in packs of 50 and I've found there are always a couple duds in the pack.