transfer drawing on black paint
Transferring a drawing onto another surface to paint is easy on white paper because you can just use a light box or window. However, transferring an image to a dark background is a lot tricker. I have tried various techniques to do so but I have found that this is the fastest and easiest way.
JadeSucksAtLife favorited Transfer A Drawing To A Black Background 25 Feb 20:39
Step 1
Choose a light shade of coloured pencil to scribble on the back of the page that your drawing is on. I typically use the brand ’prismacolour’ in the shade '10% warm grey' You’ll want to coat the back of the page entirely with your pencil crayon depending on how large the drawing is that you are trying to transfer. This takes a little bit of concentration because the light shade of coloured pencil will not show up on the page but if you tip the page a bit towards the light you should be able to see what you have already covered.
Step 3
Trace your original drawing with a red (or any other eye catching shade to make it easier to see where you have drawn) coloured pencil.