Based on Trading Card Tote by Zombie Soup
I modified the dimensions of mine a bit and decided to use the sides of the cards with the Pokemon on them for more diversity. I added a few buttons for extra cuteness, and might add a few more trinkets later. The strap is made out of cards instead of material, so it's not that sturdy but looks so much more attractive than plain old material. It's a pretty repetitive process and I wasted wayyy more tape than anyone should waste in their lifetime, but it was a lot of fun and I really enjoy being able to carry around a piece of my childhood with me.
Terry T. favorited Trading Card Tote 19 Oct 05:33
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Awkward Squirtle posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
I totally want to make one now :'D
My inner nerd is like, 'do it!! Do it now!!' lol.
great job on your tote...i love it =]