how to make tiny brads and tiny fave figure paperdoll of your scraps
I'm a big fan of the fruit drinks of Zonnatura , because they have on them the drawings of Kikker (=frog) and his friends, of the dutch artist Max Velthuijs
And i always saving the boxes because of the drawings.;-D
and because of my cleaning up of materials i thought i will make of the pig a paperdoll.
I think you can do this for sure with other figures of brands as well.
so that's why i thought i will make a tute of my piggydoll;-D I've you want to make a piggy then you can print my piggy out on paper and glue that on cardboard and follow my tute.
there are a lot steps but that's only for trying to show you what you must do, so don't get to be scarry.LOL
hope you like it and thank 's for hopping by , hope you have a much crafting fun as well;-D
- no_2._ruw_uitgeknipt_figuurtje_uit_doos.jpg 131 KB [ Download ]
- no_3a._lijf_onderdelen_armen_benen_aftekenen.jpg 126 KB [ Download ]
Step 5
cut out the seccond box the legs and arms that you have draw on the picture.
i've you like you can colour the parts, (because i gave this pig to my old gothic dear friend to cheer to cheer her up i used much black, some tripes of pink and purple,.;
some glitter and some 3d paint).LOL
feel fry for to pimp your own piggy;-D -
Step 12
Before we can go any futher , you must make a a small piece of carton to make the level of the connection of the arm behind the back a little bit higer, you need this because of the legs will hit the arm construction and the moving when the ripcord is knot at the arm cord and the leg cord.
And importend too the back is much stronger by this part.
I've you have cut this, glue it on the back, and make with a needle the holes in the extra part .
Now you must take some clear tape and tape the backside. again open the holes in the back. -
Step 22
Do the same with the legs cord.
Then you will have something like this. -
Step 25
be sure that the conncetion of the ripcord is working. by pulling the ripcord down.;-D
because the holes are mayby a little small you must do this sometimes more and then the doll will be moving smoothly her , his bodyparts.
use your fantasie
hope you have much fun with this tute of making such small paper dolls.
i have made a lot of them when i was a kiddo and all my friends loved to have him so i have used them on cards as well or by a poem in their friendbooks.;-D
thank you for hopping by;-D