Based on Tiny Crochet Panda Bag by Nix
He turned into a pink Khola!
I can't crochet so I knitted it instead and made up a pattern.
My knitting isn't wonderful so I think I'll probably make a second one and make it much better, hopefully.
I don't know how long it took because I did it in a few sessions over long pauses.
I made the head/face by increasing stitches, knitting and purling a few rows then decreasing stitches then folded over the peice of knitting, I then sewed it together after adding the ears, eyes, nose.
I did the ears the same way as the head but in mini.
I made the bit that fastens by knitting a small rectangle and making a button hole. I sewed this onto the back of the face.
Thanks Nix for the inspiration.
You Will Need
queenfairypants posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!