For the money conscious sewing freaks among us :)
Unable to afford the thread organizers at my local store, i instead opted for a $0.99 pack of bamboo skewers and some mismatched/unused buttons.
I made a small sack to store them in after out of fused plastic bags.
Hope someone out there finds this useful!
Rebecca C. favorited Thread Organizer Sticks 29 Jul 06:14
Pamela J. favorited Thread Organizer Sticks 01 Nov 22:01
Youghurt Jaja favorited Thread Organizer Sticks 08 Aug 00:56
Step 5
Allow to sit for 15 minutes before threading the spools into place.
Cheers, and of you have any questions feel free to ask :)
I did the same thing but
instead of a button i used a block of wood
So it could stand up in my drawer >w<