Use sculpey clay to create video game masterpieces!
A few years back in my art class, we had to make inexcusably dorky silverware in the style of some artist. I chose Roy Lichtenstein, and pumped out some classy gems. ...Not. So, I decided to go home and make something way more rad my own damn self!
Christine P. added Tetris Silverware to Christmas Gift Ideas/Crafts 28 Sep 05:28
Step 5
Shove the sucker into the oven on an aluminum foil covered cookie sheet. The directions on the package of Sculpey says to bake at 275-degrees (130C) for 15 minutes per 6mm. I put it in for 10 minutes and it came out just fine.
Step 6
Wait for it to cool, obviously, and then whip out your acrylics and paint. My L-shape got detached, so I'll add it after everything else is painted.
After I finished painting, I waited for it to dry and then I covered it in Mod Podge, just to give it that glossy shine I have come to know and love.
Step 7
Wasn't that EASY? Of course, you can do anything your young heart desires, not just Tetris. They are more for beauty than practicality, and I wouldn't reccomend sending them through a dish washer (however, I haven't tried). I have heard that eating with Sculpey-covered things is not advised, so don't blame me for any awesome silverware-related deaths that may or may not occur.
You can totally impress your easily-impressed friends.
you could get a baby spoon and decorate it for a baby