oversized rancid frilled shirt dress
I found an old rancid shirt that was way too big for me and didn't need another t-shirt... this is what happened...
- Ronald T. commented on T Shirt Dress 18 Oct 06:23
- Ronald T. favorited T Shirt Dress 18 Oct 06:23
- Key West Witch favorited T Shirt Dress 05 May 08:09
- Sarah M. favorited T Shirt Dress 09 Aug 01:13
- Sarah Snowflake favorited T Shirt Dress 06 Feb 05:32
- Ievars favorited T Shirt Dress 16 Oct 16:43
- WorrisomeMe favorited T Shirt Dress 24 Dec 01:16
- FrankieStein favorited T Shirt Dress 16 Feb 06:35
- stephanie.goodsell.54 added T Shirt Dress to Clothing 04 Feb 19:29
- Stitches added T Shirt Dress to Punk 30 Jan 01:37
You Will Need
Step 1
cut off sleeves of t-shirt. make armholes as big or small as desired...
Step 2
cut different sizes and lengths in scrap fabric (use whatever you have around, old t-shirts, skirts, sheets, tights). go wild, make scraps as torn and messy as possible.
Step 3
gather each scrap at their respective top
Step 4
staying parallel to the shirt's hem, sew scraps onto t-shirt. overlap and align however looks best. enjoy!
Ronald T.
Well done!
mslash72 m.
high five for knowing rancid ^-^
Ellen Duval
Chicago, Illinois, US
2 projects
I definitly have to make this. I have a ton of old band shirts that I never wear because they're way to big. But this is a great idea.
Mary Kate
34 projects
Very cool!