stud a pair of converse sneakers!
Buy new, or get an old pair of Converse Sneakers to stud! You can order studs online. I bought mine at angryyoungandpoor.com, two 100 packs
It is easier to stud on sneakers if you have already studded regular fabric, so do a test run or stud a pair of jeans first
Start on the back corner of the side you want to stud. This part is reinforced with hard rubber, so you will have to make two incisions with a knife the distance apart that each end of the stud is. This will take a good amount of force. REMEMBER TO BE CAREFUL. I cut myself during this project. Once the stud is through use the pliers to fold over the back ends. It is also really difficult getting all the studs perfect so I would recommend just appreciating the imperfections. Once you have studded the rubber reinforced area the knife is not needed. Push the studs through the canvas with your hands. And BAM! you have an awesome, unique pair of Converse.
cristinakilljoyway favorited Studded Converse 04 Jan 19:37
Forever young love l. favorited Studded Converse 17 Jul 00:33
Rubythefox s. favorited Studded Converse 06 Jul 01:14
You Will Need
Kaity posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
I love angryyoung&poor too! XD