Based on Streampunk Custom Goggles by FrolleinKram
Thanks Mi.ezekatze 4 posting this...and your links. Your amazing!
(click on 3rd pic to see full thing)
I'm not really into steampunk, but ive always wanted CyberGoth Goggles! But they cost so darn expensive, so now i can make my own with your help!!
I technically used the exact tutorial from http://brassgoggles.co.uk/blog/steampunk-resources/how-to-quick-costume-goggles <- supercheap! (most of the materials i found laying around my house...& i destroyed a picture frame.XD)
I just painted them red and black...and drew a radioactive symbol on the plastic lens w/ a permanent marker! Oh, and i just sewed on a scrap piece of black fabric for the nose-piece.
I love them! ...i'm wearing them soon. I might make more steampunk style goggles soon, with the threadbangers version...just need to find that old darn baseball...lol
Afilover47 favorited Streampunk Custom Goggles 14 May 04:10
You Will Need
DarkAshHurts posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!