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A Block A Day
The seam allowance is ¼ inch throughout.

Pick various shades of patterned red fabric to make this strawberry appear three-dimensional. The curved stem is appliquéd.

Posted by Ivy Press Published See Ivy Press's 15 projects »

© 2024 Lucinda Ganderton / Ivy Press · Reproduced with permission. · From A Block A Day ((c) The Ivy Press Ltd 2015); photography by Andrew Perris
  • Step 1

    Prepare the patches

    Rotary method

    From fabric A, cut one stem using the template
    From fabrics A and C, make one 6½ x 2½-inch right diamond rectangle and one 6½ x 2½-inch left diamond rectangle
    From fabrics B and C, make two 2½-inch half-square triangles
    From fabric B, cut ten 2½-inch squares
    From fabric C, cut one 8½ x 2½-inch rectangle and two 12½ x 2½-inch rectangles
    From fabrics B and C, cut one right half triangle and one left half triangle (6 x 6 template)


    Template cutting
    Using the 6 x 6 template:

    From fabric A, cut 1 right diamond,1 left diamond, and one stem.
    From fabric B, cut 10 small squares, 2 small triangles, 1 right half triangle, and 1 left half triangle
    From fabric C, cut 6 small triangles, 1 right half triangle, 1 left half triangle, 1 long rectangle, and 2 full-length rectangles

  • Step 2

    Template Piecing

    With right sides together, pin and sew a small fabric C triangle to each of the diagonal edges of one fabric A diamond. Press seams open. Repeat to make the second strawberry leaf.

    With right sides together, pin and sew the remaining two small fabric C triangles to the two small fabric B triangles; press seams open.

  • Step 3

    Make the Block

    Assemble the hull With right sides together, pin the left and right diamond rectangles together so they point inward and downward, as shown above, then sew; press seams open. Join the fabric C long rectangle to the top edge and press seam up. Appliqué the stem between the leaves.

  • Step 4

    Sew the strawberry With right sides together, stitch the fabrics B and C left and right triangles together to make two rectangles; press seams down over the red fabric.

    Arrange the patches in their final positions, being careful to balance the prints and shades of red to create the illusion of a strawberry shape. With right sides together, pin and sew the patches in four columns; press seams open.

    With right sides together, stitch the columns together, carefully matching the seams; press seams open.

  • Step 5

    Complete the square With right sides together, pin and sew the hull to the top edge of the strawberry and press seam open. Sew one full-length white rectangle to each side edge; press seams open.

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