Wish you could bring your guitar everywhere (not only in your heart xD)? Here's a ring for you.
Do you know those nice guitar strings with a ball end (like this, for example http://www.frets.com/FRETSpages/general/glossary/BallEnd/BallViews/ballend.jpg ). You can re-use their end instead of pearls.
- Werk.eht.bro favorited Sparkling Rings From Ball End Strings. 10 Jun 22:05
- Medea favorited Sparkling Rings From Ball End Strings. 20 Nov 18:50
- jenny.furner.7 favorited Sparkling Rings From Ball End Strings. 19 Nov 06:09
- Juliet J. entered her project Sparkling Rings From Ball End Strings. to Pick Punch 08 Nov 13:15