Our heads aren't safe
This is the first hat I ever made. This is also the first project I made where most of the sewing was done using the sewing machine. So I was a bit slow and cautious when I made this.
I have to admit, it does look more like a piranha or some other type of fish rather than a shark..and that it's missing a few fins..but I guess that's what happens when you don't really plan ahead. Either way, it still turned out pretty nice.
Kitty T. favorited Shark Attack Hat 13 Nov 07:04
Charlotte S. favorited Shark Attack Hat 10 Oct 02:42
bemeself favorited Shark Attack Hat 24 Aug 21:18
fishywilleatchu favorited Shark Attack Hat 20 Jun 16:38
Irene Wildfox added Shark Attack Hat to Jewelry and Accessories 09 Jun 14:39
Irene Wildfox added Shark Attack Hat to Clothing 09 Jun 14:39
Jess <3 favorited Shark Attack Hat 22 Jul 13:30
Sue W. favorited Shark Attack Hat 24 Jun 21:59
You Will Need
chela a. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Edmonton, Alberta, CA
15 projects
Ive seen these at the stores. so cute.

Orlando, Florida, US
23 projects
my little sister would kill to have one! She really likes sharks. C:

Amie D.
Oxford, England, GB
44 projects
this is amazing
you should make like a tiger/lion one

Nederland, Colorado, US
14 projects
Very nice!