A retro sewing box
Urggh all my photos are too bigger size quality to download, so I will be taking some with my mobile soon xx
Deb E. favorited Sewing Box 16 May 17:47
Orsolya K. favorited Sewing Box 25 Nov 21:38
neca.maki2 favorited Sewing Box 18 Aug 18:24
Isobel C. favorited Sewing Box 04 Aug 04:07
Rachel D. favorited Sewing Box 05 Jul 16:35
You Will Need
Step 17
Now comes the tricky part. You need to stick it all together. Cover the sides with glue and stick them together with fabric glue. If your box is fairly small you can put an elastic band around it so that it stays in place, if it is quite big like mine you need to get some hair grips and stick it at the sides. Now leave it for about a night to dry. Keep touching the corners up with glue and your box is ready!

Grace D
London, GB
83 projects
Thank you xxx

Miss Mess
Illinois, Illinois, US
4 projects
this is just so cute...i love it...great job

Grace D
London, GB
83 projects
Thank you xx

Perth, Western Australia, AU
14 projects
very handy- I saw some sewing boxes in the shops but they cost like $30-40! and they were in an ugly fabric so I'm glad to see this project! You get my thumbs up!

Grace D
London, GB
83 projects
OUCH! I really felt that

mlc1803 m.
Chihuahua, Chihuahua, MX
cute n clever, gracey! i so need this.my sewing stuff is everywhere! the other day my sister stepped on a needle (oops)!! thanks so much

how cool!!!!

Grace D
London, GB
83 projects
Thankk you xx

Chelsea K.
Fargo, North Dakota, US
8 projects
Gracie how cute! Great take on such a hard project. I love how you thought of using glue instead of taking the trouble to sew all that bulk together. Love your project and putting it under my favorites list!

Grace D
London, GB
83 projects
Yer I lovvee the fabric, I got extra so I could have spare