some digital art for your eye holes
3 hours of digital painting, I'm kinda proud of this one. there was more to it but the rest was just crap. Not to mention that my normal program kept crashing and I had to start using gimp again, which is, terrible at best, you get what you pay for and its freeware. Anyway, its a self portrait, I needed a reference picture and I've got quite a few pictures of myself so I figured why not. It was either that or my kid, and baby faces can be funny at times. That there second pic is a reference photo...in case for some reason you didn't get that figured out already.
Edit: never mind nothing ever uploads properly for me anymore, I'll try again later.
aranumenwen favorited her project Self Portait 14 Apr 04:57
Heather W. entered her project Self Portait to Draw Manga 06 Aug 19:39
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