more junk that I make look goooood!
- December XX favorited Retro Vinyl Record Side Table 28 Nov 08:19
You Will Need
Tina T.
Chipata, Eastern, ZM
Could you also just leave the tabletop on, then glue the vinyl record on top of the actual tabletop? That might work, then it would be sturdier.
Omaha, Nebraska, US
207 projects
looks cool, but I imagine you cant set anything on it.
Kt Bing
Edinburgh, Scotland, GB
66 projects
Its you need it to be more sturdy then i would suggest using a double layer of vinyl
Penny F.
North Bay, Ontario, CA
19 projects
Okay that looks really cool! Just need to find the right size table for it now
Kt Bing
Edinburgh, Scotland, GB
66 projects
Junk shops have them for next to nothing! Grannies seem to love a little side table!