Jeans -> Mini Skirt:: A different way
This tute will show you how to make a simple mini skirt using the legs from denim jeans!
Key West Witch favorited Recycled Denim Mini Skirt 06 May 02:53
TheSewingMaven added Recycled Denim Mini Skirt to Madonna 25 Sep 23:56
Markee R. added Recycled Denim Mini Skirt to Blondie 08 Apr 09:54
Kirsty L. favorited Recycled Denim Mini Skirt 23 Jun 20:54
Crafty Pirate favorited Recycled Denim Mini Skirt 06 Aug 10:05
Dona Monstra favorited Recycled Denim Mini Skirt 27 Jun 21:54
Alezita G. favorited Recycled Denim Mini Skirt 31 Jan 06:52
cristinakilljoyway favorited Recycled Denim Mini Skirt 30 Dec 20:39
Ray N. favorited Recycled Denim Mini Skirt 22 Nov 06:26
catarina n. favorited Recycled Denim Mini Skirt 13 Sep 12:08
Step 13
I usually always topstitch the seam down. Because I wanted the pink to stay pink + not have a seam through it, I did all my topstitching on the black stripes. This means on the inside, some seams are sticking up, but because I only used small 1cm seams, it doesn't really affect how the skirt sits or feels.
Step 16
Start laying your strips down. Make sure you have seam allowances like you did for the front. I'm doing an exposed zipper on this skirt, so I only need one cm down the centre back on each side for the seam allowance. If you're inserting the zip properly, you'll need to add about 2cm for the seam allowance. Remember you need to do double for both sides of the back, make sure you don't two of the same side! The strips need to be mirror images of each other ;D
Step 22
Now we're going to make facings as this skirt doesn't have a waistband. Facings help the top of the skirt to sit nicer + looks neater too. Go to your box of scraps and get some fabric. It doesn't matter if it matches or not because no one will be able to see it. I always make my facings or pocket linings in totally outrageous colours just for fun ;D
Step 23
Fold your scraps in half + lay one of the back pieces on top of it, matching the centre back edge to the fold. Cut across the top of the scrap and down the side about 4-6 cm. Now cut down the fold so you have two seperate facings. Do the same for the front piece of the skirt, cutting one long facing out.
Awesome tutorial, glad I found this