A bag made from an old shirt!
I've been trying to perfect a bag like this for some quite time now, and finally I got it right!
I got a shirt from my bag of old clothes under my bed, cut the sides and the top to create a squarish-rectangular bag shape.After sewing the sides and the end together I attached straps made of this plastic ribbon while watching Project Runway - harhar and sewed on some buttons just for kicks.
Bianka M. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Anita ♥
Campeche, Campeche, MX
19 projects
That's a gr8 idea!

U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
12 projects
Jealousy! You get BRAVO! I used to get it at school and I am no longer living at school, instead I am stuck at my parents and never get to watch Project Runway, because they do not get BRAVO!! ARGH! YOUR BAG IS FABULOUS, I WANT TO DO THIS!

Turin, Piedmont, IT
17 projects
Very nice that idea!