Make your own stylish glitter pencils in any color you could want!
With these quick and easy steps, you too can have your own glitter pencils in any color you could possibly want. Have fun creating your personalized supplies.
Tina R. favorited Rainbow Glitter Pencils 29 Mar 06:32
Miranda M. added Rainbow Glitter Pencils to Trolls World Tour Party 14 Apr 09:18
Jen S. added Rainbow Glitter Pencils to Cate's room ideas 03 Mar 01:14
Jen S. favorited Rainbow Glitter Pencils 02 Mar 21:10
acquacri favorited Rainbow Glitter Pencils 27 Oct 05:34
VeganSprinkles favorited Rainbow Glitter Pencils 19 Sep 22:03
Zombie Babe favorited Rainbow Glitter Pencils 19 Sep 08:24
Crafty Pirate favorited Rainbow Glitter Pencils 17 Sep 19:07
Kinhime Dragon added Rainbow Glitter Pencils to things to make 13 Sep 21:44
Leah. favorited Rainbow Glitter Pencils 08 Sep 12:48
Step 2
Once you have your eraser less pencils, gather up you glitter and Mod Podge.
*Make sure to line your work area with paper as this process is about to get messy.
**Make sure you have a place to hang the pencils ready to go. In a crunch a tripod or table edge can be used but make sure to warn any other occupants about where these hidden glitter bombs are located.