Old dresses dress up an ugly comforter
I was working on a quilt, but in the end didn't feel like dropping the money on batting or the time on actually quilting the whole thing. Solution? Duvet cover! Still looks like a lovely hand-made quilt, keeps me toasty in these winter months, and I didn't have to quilt it!
First photo is in the middle of assembly, second photo is near completion. I'm estimating 10 hours, but who knows. The time-consuming part is getting all the squares cut out, assembly is easy sewing in straight lines. It's super cheap if you have old clothes or scraps (wovens!) lying around, and I always get a sheet from the thrift store to complete the back. The biggest expense ends up being the thread. (My kind of budget!)
Staci Fowler favorited Quilt Duvet Cover 23 Jan 07:54
Jahayma favorited Quilt Duvet Cover 05 Jan 22:45
Regina K. favorited Quilt Duvet Cover 21 Dec 08:16
tatiana r. posted this project as a creation without steps
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