i made this to dispense my qtips
i keep my tampons in a drawer so i dont need a tampon dispenser and i had these random boxes from the neopet toys at burger king and so i decided to put my qtips in it and make a dispenser for it.
im gonna do one later on for my cotton balls too. I will post pictures of that when i am finished making it. its gonna be awesome haha.
- Ichigo M. favorited Qtip Dispenser 08 Aug 18:53
- Blowfishh A. favorited Qtip Dispenser 08 Aug 07:52
Kacie's Crafts posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
To CammyCat i believe Q-tips "Quality tip" are an American brand name for cotton swabs/buds. hope that helps.