A pretty plaid purse with feminine flair!
I designed this purse as part of an endeavor to destash a lot of my fabric collection. It's a simple purse with some added twists, including hardware in the handles, a pleated front pocket (edged with lace), and an inset zipper.
It finishes 8" wide, 8" tall, and 1 1/2" deep
- 109826_2F2015-07-08-115114-Pretty+in+Plaid+Purse+Sewing+Pattern.pdf 1.02 MB [ Download ]
Isabel H. added Pretty In Plaid Purse to Y2K Look 17 Sep 21:14
Deb E. favorited Pretty In Plaid Purse 04 Sep 03:02
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Rebecca M. favorited Pretty In Plaid Purse 11 Jun 23:47
Sew Desu Ne? published her project Pretty In Plaid Purse 08 Jul 12:41
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