Delicious Cake that looks like a delicious pepperoni pizza
- Rissy favorited Pizza Cake 01 Sep 03:10
- Munnazah C. favorited Pizza Cake 11 Nov 16:41
- Summer O. favorited Pizza Cake 21 Oct 21:49
- DocDoolittle favorited Pizza Cake 09 Aug 11:57
- dippydiscoball added Pizza Cake to maybe one day 01 Aug 04:04
- claire p. added Pizza Cake to food 27 Jul 18:13
Step 1
10 or 12 inch round tin.
Heat the oven to Gas mark 3 1/2.
Step 6
Place an appropriate amount of red butter cream on top of the cake to resemble the tomato sauce.
Cut out circles and add detailing to make them look like pepperoni.
Grate yellow and orange fondant to resemble cheese and add to the cake.
Other toppings could easily be added to the pizza cake using any left over fondant.