An apron for those inducted to the cult of domesticity.
The pattern of the apron itself was original to my dear friend Amanda who sewed it for me.
The first 15 hours of the project were all her,hand pleating all of the plaid edging, and sewing it all together.
The next 25 (and that's a conservative estimate) was me hand embroidering the lapel. I did all the floral on the even weave, and then the greens over the even weave through the first layer of fabric. I then used the button hole stitch on the machine to edge the even weave onto the apron.
Embroidery Pattern was based on the pansy pattern on page 86 of <a href= "http://www.amazon.com/Sweeter-Than-Rose-Christmas-Remembered/dp/094223734X"> "Sweeter The Rose"</a>
Haught Tea replied to a comment on their project Pink Plaid And Lace Lolita Apron 02 Sep 05:01
Haught Tea posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!