Project: Cooking Mama Apron
It’s a Cooking Mama Apron! Or rather an apron, adorned with a hand cut felt appliqué of none other than Cooking Mama of Nintendo fame. It’s a little bit of a joke with my friend Heidi, who was the recipient, but I am really excited with how it turned out.
Leia B. favorited Cooking Mama Apron 19 Mar 01:05
Xfluffy_unitatoX favorited Cooking Mama Apron 19 Nov 23:41
chelsea g. favorited Cooking Mama Apron 27 Aug 07:37
Natasha V. favorited Cooking Mama Apron 28 Mar 09:49
AphroditeHalosydne favorited Cooking Mama Apron 25 Jan 22:27
ilovearadia favorited Cooking Mama Apron 09 Jan 00:40
Bonnie B. added Cooking Mama Apron to Clothes 03 Dec 17:27
Kendell V. favorited Cooking Mama Apron 26 Nov 03:19
M S. added Cooking Mama Apron to home deco 10 Oct 07:47
erinhighbaugh favorited Cooking Mama Apron 29 Sep 09:02
You Will Need
Step 1
To start with, if you’re not framilar with the game I’ll give you a quick overview. Basically your goal is to make different dishes like sticky rice and sweet fired egg following along step-by-step as instructed by Mama. Each step along the way you either succeed and earn her praise or fail and have to bear Mama’s wrath. Here is a still from the DS game, specifically a still of Mama, when she is less then happy with your work.
When Heidi last came to visit I let her borrow the game. We joked about her fireball eyes and repeated the line “Don’t worry, Mama will fix it.” So late one night over IM I was brainstorming with my friend Lindsey, trying to come up with something to make to cheer Heidi up. There were a lot of good ideas but when we finally got to the idea of a “Cooking Mama Apron” we both knew that was the hands down winner. (Thanks again Lindsey!)
Step 8
It was also important to me the apron was just right. The pink gingham fabric and the lace were essential for the kitsch factor. I found a great little tutorial and pattern for the apron on craftster. I also thought it would be a nice idea to turn the little “score” box into a little pocket, which I trimed in blue lace to match the game.
thank you and thanks lindsey
great idea (: