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because binders are terrible people
This is my first, so please be kind...

I'm using a dollar store plastic coated binder. When I go back to school I'm going to invest in a fabric one that will probably go better. But, hey, at least this one is cheap! ^.^

Posted by Miss_Fit from St Catharines, Ontario, Canada • Published See Miss_Fit's 35 projects »

  • How to make a binder folder. Pimp My Binder! (Gothic/Steampunk/Lolita Style) - Step 1
    Step 1

    Have a good hard look at the offending boring binder.

    Take a look at what it's made of as this is very important.
    (Mine has a bit of a rough-ish coating, but it's still pretty slick)

    As you can plainly see I've tried before and failed to, because I tried priming first. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

  • Step 2

    Cover the part you want to decorate with the masking tape.

  • How to make a binder folder. Pimp My Binder! (Gothic/Steampunk/Lolita Style) - Step 3
    Step 3

    This next step is for all you stripe enthusiasts.

    Measure the width of your masking tape (mine 18mm (.70")

    Decide in which way you want your stripes to face (Personal suggestion, stick to vertical or horizontal because diagonal stripes have a majority share in migraine medication)

    Mark that down on your binder using your permanent marker.

    I'm using a brown on a red binder, so it's sorta hard to see. Look at the white bits at the top. But this isn't rocket science and I'm sure you get the gist.

  • How to make a binder folder. Pimp My Binder! (Gothic/Steampunk/Lolita Style) - Step 4
    Step 4


    Lay down one length of tape where you want that ONE stripe colour.

    My case, I'm doing every other one. Yours will look something like this, slightly different depending on things like tape width and number of colours

  • How to make a binder folder. Pimp My Binder! (Gothic/Steampunk/Lolita Style) - Step 5
    Step 5

    Paint the tape.

    Don't worry about going over the line, it'll be covered up later.

  • How to make a binder folder. Pimp My Binder! (Gothic/Steampunk/Lolita Style) - Step 6
    Step 6

    Wait for the paint to dry.

    (If need be, add a second coat)

  • How to make a binder folder. Pimp My Binder! (Gothic/Steampunk/Lolita Style) - Step 7
    Step 7

    Add the second colour:

    Put the second layer of tape in the extra space, thusly.

  • How to make a binder folder. Pimp My Binder! (Gothic/Steampunk/Lolita Style) - Step 8
    Step 8

    This is going to be a bit trick to get a picture of because the painting tape I thought I had informed me that this is a trip I must take alone. So, white masking tape on either side of more white masking tape so I can paint in really white it is!

    You need to make sure you don't get the new colour all over the other one. So put tape on either side of where you're about to paint.

    DO NOT PRESS IT DOWN TOO HARD!!! Otherwise you're going to have to redo the previous tape.

    It looks like this:

    Wait for the paint to dry.

  • How to make a binder folder. Pimp My Binder! (Gothic/Steampunk/Lolita Style) - Step 9
    Step 9

    When you're done, it should something similar to this

  • How to make a binder folder. Pimp My Binder! (Gothic/Steampunk/Lolita Style) - Step 10
    Step 10


    I'm going for an Emilie Autumn motif, because i'm suffering from a lack of imagination. So I'm putting the rat silhouette printed from here:

    Without the lace step coming next, mine looks like this

  • Step 11


    Now most binders of this variety come with a little ridge along each edge where the plastic was machine press when the binder was born. We're gonna hot glue the lace to that.

  • How to make a binder folder. Pimp My Binder! (Gothic/Steampunk/Lolita Style) - Step 12
    Step 12

    Emblish then as you well. This is how mine's turns out!

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Raven Beauty
Raven Beauty · Plettenberg Bay, Western Cape, ZA · 12 projects
I do exactly the same thing to all my lame stationary. I can't stand looking at a boring thing that i have to use nearly every day. Normal pencils get masking tape wrapped around them and sprayed with black and white pain and a clear coat to make them Emilie Autumn/ Tim Burton-yfied. Lots of fun Happy

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