Pillowcase dresses
If you're using a pillow case you only need one and you don't need to unstitch anything but cut the top open. The concept is the same though.
- kbuschlen favorited Pillowcase Dress 18 Apr 23:24
- Becky M. favorited Pillowcase Dress 02 Oct 10:12
- Sarah S. added Pillowcase Dress to Cheap things to try 19 Jan 05:56
- Rebecca M. favorited Pillowcase Dress 29 Apr 18:07
- Lena S. favorited Pillowcase Dress 10 Mar 18:06
- Belinda M. favorited Pillowcase Dress 27 Jul 16:54
- angel.hackney1978 favorited Pillowcase Dress 14 Jul 17:17
- ely d. favorited Pillowcase Dress 27 Jun 18:08
- mlevans3 favorited Pillowcase Dress 23 Jun 17:45