made out of boredom for you!
I got bored and my mom had bought these bottle cap rings so I went wild.
when i finish making the cherry one I will finish uploading pictures for all the steps.
- Dee D. added Pie Ring to mini 05 Jun 17:56
- CookieBird Lover added Pie Ring to jewlery 09 Sep 01:16
- CookieBird Lover favorited Pie Ring 08 Sep 20:27
- elaina.nattrass added Pie Ring to Misc 23 Aug 22:15
- Jaquelynn B. favorited Pie Ring 09 Aug 01:58
- Dona Monstra favorited Pie Ring 19 Jul 21:01
- Syeyon K. commented on Pie Ring 22 Dec 07:58
- Syeyon K. commented on Pie Ring 20 Nov 13:37
- Andrea H. favorited Pie Ring 19 Jul 17:58
- Emily K. favorited Pie Ring 27 Jun 22:27
Step 1
First pour some glass beads [color depends on the type of pie you want(mine is cherry{and blueberry... took pictures in dif. steps...})] into the bottle cap, just enough to fill it up. Now pour then in to the small container (CAUTION: be careful they might bounce out every where) with just enough of the clear glue (I'm using glossy accents, elmer's glue will dry milky, some nail polish mixed with clear nail polish will certainly work well and you would not have to use the dyes) to cover all the beads. Use the chop stick to mix them up.
Step 4
Now clay... I'm using paper clay, which is fragile (my mother says),but it has the right texture and feel (and its the only thing I have on hand). You can try and use sculpy but I dunno how it will turn out and please do not put the ring in the oven!
(if using another type of clay ignore the next little tid bit... unless you want to, in that case read on)
ok so the paper clay is white so I used tubed water color to color it. I just dabbed a bit into the clay and mixed it. (if your paper clay gets dry go ahead and spray it with a bit of water)
Step 5
take a bit out and make a coil about four inches long and a little bit more than half a centimeter thick. Set aside and spray with a Little bit of water.
Step 7
Weave the strips leaving little holes so you can see the fruity center of the pie. (for paper clay or other water based clay: Spray with a little bit of water and then let it soak up a bit to help it stick together a bit more)