A nice way to help an Alzheimer patient.
Well, here's the story: My boyfriend lost his cell phone about 4 months ago and his daughter and I are not able to find him easily since then, so he gets in contact with us, but the problem is that he's not able to memorize our phone numbers, so, I made this key for him, I mean, he needs a key to open his house doesn't he?
Step 3
When it got dry I covered it with Nail Varnish, because my first attempt proved that the markers by themselves were not enough to be permanent. I let the key dry and put it in my boyfriend's keychain, next to his house key. He didn't like my subtle reminder that he has a really bad memory, but at least he is able to locate us without any problem =D This key is really easy to make, but it takes some time to wait the dry process between each step =S.