How to cover a pimple with make up <3
I'm the first to admit that I have acne. It's a horrible thing for girls and guys alike, but luckily, us girls have ways to hide it.
- cynthia c. favorited Perfect Pimple Cover Up 28 May 23:19
- forbeautifuleyes favorited Perfect Pimple Cover Up 08 Jan 01:41
- Chloe V. favorited Perfect Pimple Cover Up 21 Nov 10:16
- reid.mckeel favorited Perfect Pimple Cover Up 13 Sep 20:04
You Will Need
Step 2
Now, before you apply any make up, make sure your pimple(s) aren't bleeding or open or anything. If they are, you need to dry them out first, with rose water or tea tree oil, something like that.
If you apply make up with open pimples (pimples that have busted open and what not), you are spreading the bacteria all over the face, increasing your chances of more pimples.
CO + K User
I never learned how to do it...so I STILL don't wear makeup. Not even mascara! (I'm almost 30 freaking years old!!)