Anyone, yes ANYONE can make this cool vase!
I used about 35 pencils for this project...but every milk carton is different.
Jordyn N. added Pencil Vase to Crafts 13 Apr 16:07
Mowdy28 favorited Pencil Vase 26 Jan 12:32
Mimi A. favorited Pencil Vase 11 Jan 16:28
mackenzie.kuder favorited Pencil Vase 08 Dec 05:40
Djamilah W. favorited Pencil Vase 15 Oct 22:51
Jacquelyn B. added Pencil Vase to To-make list 18 Sep 20:02
Cat Morley favorited Pencil Vase 29 Aug 01:16
Eileen G. favorited Pencil Vase 04 Aug 05:20
anna.rection favorited Pencil Vase 02 Aug 23:16
Kristen S. favorited Pencil Vase 19 Jul 19:17
You Will Need
Step 3
Now start gluing the pencils all around the carton. I applied the glue directly to the carton itself and then stuck on the pencils. This way I didn't have to guess where the carton stopped and didn't have to deal with left-over glue on my pencils.
I made all of my pencils face the same direction for a more uniformed look, but you could alternate the sides of the pencils to make a pattern if you want. Using colored pencils could look really cool for an art teacher.

Mona R.
That is so cute and useful too.

Mona R.
That is so cute and useful too.

Tori E.
United States, US
this is so cute

Richmond, New Hampshire, US
4 projects
That's a great idea,