A delicious Spanish dish of spiced potatoes, usually served as a tapas.
<center><u>(Serves Two)</a></u></center><br>
Part of the<br><div class="tagline"><img align="absmiddle" src="/blog/images/icons/globe.gif" /><a href="/blog/reference.php?id=344">Spanish</div></a>
cuisine masterclass.<br><br>
This is a traditional Spanish recipe that is usually served as a Tapas. Patatas being Spanish for potatoes and Bravas being the type of sauce that it is served as.
ellie j. added Patatas Bravas to i live to eat 04 Mar 02:52
HylianWriter534 favorited Patatas Bravas 17 Sep 21:39
Haliej added Patatas Bravas to Cooking to Try 31 Jul 11:24
Angel C. favorited Patatas Bravas 27 Jul 20:07
cristinakilljoyway favorited Patatas Bravas 15 Jan 15:31
Kitsuné favorited Patatas Bravas 21 Oct 03:23
Anne V. favorited Patatas Bravas 15 Sep 14:48
but I'm spanish, and the word "papas" is not frequently used, here we use "patatas" always
BTW, good recipe, thanks ^^
Don't be so quick to correct someone.
Papas is Spanish slang for patatas, & is more commonly used. I lived there & know this for a fact. =D
But I think it would be better say "Papas Bravas" ;)