your passkey...
Well I had a lot of old keys and sometimes I forget my exact usernames or passwords for various internet accounts, so I came up with this creation.
It's very simple to make, just decorate to the theme of a website, and on the other side write your username and password in a fine tip sharpie.
You might want to store them in a pouch and hide them somewhere!
Carrie Alice added Password Keys to Crafty 12 Aug 08:22
isobel.l favorited Password Keys 20 May 21:02
dippydiscoball added Password Keys to maybe one day 03 May 15:34
teresa.lawrence.39 favorited Password Keys 30 Dec 16:37
Ada B. added Password Keys to Smart Ideas 14 Apr 13:01
Ichigo M. favorited Password Keys 17 Oct 03:09
You Will Need
Step 1
Gather keys and perhaps paint them a different color, if you are rich, go to home depot or walmart and get custom pattered keys made.
Step 2
Print out small images represiting the websites you want to see.
Step 3
Glue them to the keys and use an exacto knife to cut the excess pieces off while lying the key picture side down...
Step 4
Using a fine tipped sharpie, write your username or email address on one side of the key, and the password on the other, write small because the lines tend to be thin...
Step 5
Get an appropriate cool keychain!
very clever