paper mache doll made of an old dish water bottle and telephone book and scraps
i saw some years ago the dolls of Julie Arkell in a dutch magazine and felt directly in love of her work.
just take a look on her site!!!
i love dolls and bunnies and recycling, and old vintage looks so i thought when i saw the empty soap bottle this is almost a body of an doll allready.
i must make one of it with just old scraps.
and then this girl was born;-D
thought this will a great gift to make for others when i'm making a tute of it.
time is without drying time!!!
and it was a free project for me because i used only scraps
and recyling materials
hope you like it and try to make one as well;-D
thank you for stopping by;-D
soizic b. favorited Paperbunny Doll 08 Apr 06:27
Step 6
Make of clots of paper the head and wrapped it with tape to fix them on the bottle . Do the same on the front and backside of the head.
folding of some new pages of the telephone book the ears.
and tape them . The head may bigger then the rest it 's will make the doll just prettier and cuter;-D -
Step 8
now the fun messy part.
Use big strokes with you dept in the pva glue and covering upt the body to make the body parts nice and smoothly and strong when it's dried up.
You need to let this dry for 24 hours or.... set her in front of the heating when it's allready on, otherwise don't be smart think green;-D -
Step 15
pimp the doll more and more with ribbons and chenille wire and fake gems , just have fun with it.
Later on i have painted some more details on the hat and shoes as well
go on, use your own creativity and just have fun;-D
when you like her look i think you're done.!!!!!
yeaaah anjoy her looks or give her away of course you can give her some friends like a bunny dog or just a bf.;-Dhey thank you for stopping by , i love to see your creations and love your fave and your comments;-D
This bunny doll (or kid in a bunny costume) has just the perfect color combination... I wonder if I can find scraps with so lovely colors to replicate your doll. :0
Keep up the good work my dear friend.