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A Personalized toy for baby!
I made this for my daughter, who is now at the age where she wants to grab things. I personalized it by putting an E on the front for her. I included TONs of ribbon, because her hands are still tiny, and she likes to play with ribbon. There is a little pocket on the side as well. What the heck is she going to put in there? I have NO CLUE, but babies tend to like things they can stuff things into.
This was made from some scrap felt and ribbon I had lying around, and also a re-purposed receiving blanket, which I thought was a neat way to put something from her life as a newborn into a toy that she can grow into. And if I'm lucky, she'll keep it and maybe display it so that I don't sound too dumb. lol

By the way, I did not mean to make this into a how-to, so I am going to try to fix it. :D

Posted by MrsGallows from Fountain, Colorado, United States • Published See MrsGallows's 5 projects »


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