It may fly afway...
I've known how to make this butterfly for ages, so I thought I should share it with you;)
I realized it is really hard to explain the way I fold, so if you don't understand, please say so, I'll try to help;)
You can use any kind of paper, provided that it's foldable and has a nice color on one or both sides;)
Key West Witch favorited Origami Butterfly 12 May 17:00
Shirin L. favorited Origami Butterfly 29 Jan 21:37
Janne J. favorited Origami Butterfly 26 Apr 12:50
Mossy W. favorited Origami Butterfly 08 Feb 22:13
Tierra T. favorited Origami Butterfly 10 Nov 18:31
Katrina P. favorited Origami Butterfly 19 May 11:45
Tammy M. favorited Origami Butterfly 02 Mar 14:32
Abbey O. favorited Origami Butterfly 04 Dec 16:29
Rose K. favorited Origami Butterfly 19 Aug 21:02
AthAlba favorited Origami Butterfly 11 Jul 16:07
not really. i just dont understand what you mean by follow.
Step 7, you're taking the horizontal edge(the top one, in the picture) and folding it up towards the peak? and then opening the wings in step 8.
Step 10, taking one whole side (as opposed to one corner) and folding in back outward and leaving a small part in the center folded for the body?
Step 12 looks like you took the side corners and folded them into the center? No...that doesn't look right.
I think my paper was too small, but I ended up with a decent butterfly. Thanks!
Step 7, you're taking the horizontal edge(the top one, in the picture) and folding it up towards the peak? and then opening the wings in step 8.
Step 10, taking one whole side (as opposed to one corner) and folding in back outward and leaving a small part in the center folded for the body?
Step 12 looks like you took the side corners and folded them into the center? No...that doesn't look right.
I think my paper was too small, but I ended up with a decent butterfly. Thanks!