I'm a self-proclaimed crafty Aquarius.
I like any types of crafting, especially if it has to do with recycling.
I'm still wondering about crocheting, tho.
You can find me on:
1. blog: http://bananath.blogspot.com --> where I post my crafts
2. tumblr: http://athalba.tumblr.com --> where I ramble
3. twitter: @athalba --> also rambling
And last info, I LOVE Arsenal FC. I know, this is unrelated, but I just can't resist mentioning it.![Happy](https://images.coplusk.net/emoticons/happy.gif)
ps: tagline was taken from somewhere... can't remember, bad memory, anyway it's not mine.
I like any types of crafting, especially if it has to do with recycling.
I'm still wondering about crocheting, tho.
You can find me on:
1. blog: http://bananath.blogspot.com --> where I post my crafts
2. tumblr: http://athalba.tumblr.com --> where I ramble
3. twitter: @athalba --> also rambling
And last info, I LOVE Arsenal FC. I know, this is unrelated, but I just can't resist mentioning it.
ps: tagline was taken from somewhere... can't remember, bad memory, anyway it's not mine.
i 'm pleased of it myself, it's tough and cool looking so it's for men and women.LOL
i think i use the picture for my moving cards i will send, but... i'm thinking to make of them a small gift as well.LOL
hey have a nice crafting week;XD
wah...asik..orang indo juga gak boleh kalah kreatif dgn orang asing ya..hhi
km dari semarang?? wah..akhirnya nemu juga orang Indo..hehe..
salam kenal ya..
kamu ank unnes jg kah??
hee...aq jg ank unnes lhoo....
hmm..blh tau fb km ga?
kadang2 susah kl bhs lain..hehehee...
salam kenal....
senang felt jg yah??
aq jg seneng banged....cm skrg lg agak vakum aja buadnya krn sibuk kerja...
anak mana??
jadi ga sengaja juga..
waktu udah buka malah keterusan..
buat account deh jadinyaa..
heheehe :p
hahaha :p
iyaaaa, bener-bener.
di toko bisa seharga 50.000 tapi kalo buat sendiri ga sampe 5000 :O
nggak susah sih nyari nya..
ada yang deket rumahku tapi ga begitu lengkap.
tapi kalo mau yang lengkap ya..jauuuuhhh banget.
by the way, kamu tau website ini dari mana ?
nice to meet ya ;)
im from malang..