Penguin Charm - Needle Felting Basics
In this tutorial you can learn and apply the basic techniques of needle felting. You can basically 'build' and 'stick' all the pieces of your sculpture just with a felting needle. After going through this tutorial once, you will be able to easily make other little sculptures.
Roving wool it's such a flexible and interesting material. You can use it to make simple decorations or hiper-realistic sculptures. The working process itself is kind of meditative and relaxing. Enjoy!
Rebecca M. favorited Needle Felted Penguin Charm 11 Jun 13:28
Penny F. added Needle Felted Penguin Charm to Needle felting 04 Jan 20:03
viviz favorited Needle Felted Penguin Charm 05 Dec 04:23
Marni C. added Needle Felted Penguin Charm to Needle Work 16 Nov 00:55
ale_corason favorited Needle Felted Penguin Charm 11 Nov 02:36
Crafterella featured Needle Felted Penguin Charm 09 Nov 12:14
Alisha P. favorited Needle Felted Penguin Charm 01 Nov 19:22
deborah.potterfullerton favorited Needle Felted Penguin Charm 31 Oct 23:42
Suzi T. favorited Needle Felted Penguin Charm 30 Oct 21:11
Made by Me! Arts&Crafts published his project Needle Felted Penguin Charm 30 Oct 06:00
Step 1
Gather the tools and materials: Felting needles, felting mat (or a cleaning sponge), charm loop and the roving wool (possibly Corriedale, this carded wool roving it's easier to felt because of their texture). To split the wool in parts, don't pull it from close the splitting point, but place your hands bit further apart and gently pull.
Step 2
Roll the white wool following the direction of the fibers. Now that you have it rolled up in an egg-ish shape, place it on the mat and start poking it. (The tiny hooks on the needle will tangle the wool more and more with each 'in & out' movement.)
Hold the wool on one side, and focus poking on the other side, to keep your fingers safe. Keep poking evenly up&down, right&left and front&back switching often side for an homogenous shape. Poking deep in the beginning will entangle the fibers faster. Poking lightly at the end will result in a smoother look.