Needle & Thread Pin Cushion Embroidery Pattern
Today is a holiday and I had some time to do something fun and handy.
Since I do not possess a pin cushion, but a lot of needles that are dangling around all the time, it was time to make one.
Here we go:
- 107848_2F2015-03-07-102358-Pin+Cushion.pdf 217 KB [ Download ]
mmotse03 favorited Needle & Thread Pin Cushion Embroidery Pattern 18 Jul 18:12
CraftsmitHerz published their project Needle & Thread Pin Cushion Embroidery Pattern 24 May 06:00
You Will Need
Step 4
Once you stitches all parts as desired, sew the bottom and top left side together and make sure to leave the overlapping parts of the body open as shown below. Turn the project around to the right side.
Grab your batting and fill the cushion generously. Sew up the opening and enjoy your pin cushion!