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It's been so looooong! School has taken over my schedule, being a senior is exhausting. Yesterday my class was cancelled so I grabbed the opportunity to once again get back to crafting and tadah, I made this. Oh, and my parents bought me a sewing machine so I don't have to sew by hand anymore and it takes less time and bandages. I hand painted the anchor, which was frustrating since I'm a messy person, there're really conspicuous mistakes. And its the first time I made something out of fabric not taken from any old clothing, so this cost me a little. Anyhoo, thank you for viewing! :)

Posted by pauline Published See pauline's 13 projects »


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Mousey · Parañaque, Metro Manila, PH · 85 projects
This is SO cute!
The pain 'mistakes' just add an accent that makes it seem vintage! It looks so sweet Happy
pauline · 14 projects
Thank you! Happy
xoxo- Brook
xoxo- Brook · Anchorage, Alaska, US · 3 projects
I waaant this!!
xoxo- Brook
xoxo- Brook · Anchorage, Alaska, US · 3 projects
how to?
pauline · 14 projects
OMG IM SO SORRY FOR BEING UNABLE TO REPLY ASAP Happy For the how-to, its pretty basic. You can google how to sew tote bags. You can even find tons of them here Happy It's quite easy. For the design, I drew my design on the bag and painted it lightly so it will look like its stamped. But then you can always make a stamp, (it would make things easier) you could draw your design on a paper, and paste it in craft foam then cut it out. Then use your paint brush to apply fabric paint on the foam stamp. (not too much, for that vintage effect) Hope this helps! I know your comment is so 5 months ago, and prolly you've figured this one out already, really sorry and good luck! Happy
xoxo- Brook
xoxo- Brook · Anchorage, Alaska, US · 3 projects
thanks hon(;
pauline · 14 projects
Aww, thanks! Good luck on your sewing once you get the machine! Happy
Marleyy Bear
Marleyy Bear · 5 projects
I think the bit of messyness is cool looking aswell, im asking for a sewing machine for christmas so i can make awesome things like this bag! Happy
Crystal Granite
Crystal Granite · Rancho Cordova, California, US · 3 projects
It's great! I think the little mistakes add character to it. It almost looks stamped. Thanks for sharing. I just got a sewing machine too so I'm hoping to have time this week to use it so wish me luck lol

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