I don't need no hat to make me mad... but I want one anyways :D
I was bored and I'm kinda in love with the mad hatter...so I made this.
rosa r. favorited Mini Mad Hatter Hat 12 Aug 18:47
cassandra.gasiorowskiherrera added Mini Mad Hatter Hat to Stuff 24 Jun 14:37
cdenaco added Mini Mad Hatter Hat to Mad Hatter 18 Dec 22:17
Tristin C. favorited Mini Mad Hatter Hat 27 Aug 23:13
Danielle C. favorited Mini Mad Hatter Hat 15 Jun 07:56
BlauPiepmatz favorited Mini Mad Hatter Hat 14 Sep 18:14
emily L. entered her project Mini Mad Hatter Hat to Craft-In Contest 01 Mar 16:35
You Will Need
Step 6
The base is now done so get two toothpicks and make one shorter by breaking off a part. roll in gold paint till its all covered and let it dry halfway then wipe off. the toothpicks will be stained gold.
Step 7
find some old pendants or charms. luckily for me I found a bag of old jewelry with a leaf pendant on it. It was a different shade of gold so I dipped it in the paint. Once dry glue to the toothpick do the same with another charm. arrange them tucked inside the ribbon.
Step 8
get a small piece of paper and write 6/10 or any other fraction and glue it in the ribbon near the tooth picks.
Step 9
since glue doesn't stick to plastic get a nail file and sand off where you want to glue the hat onto. Glue hat to the head band and you're done!